Lok Sabha Election 2024: The next meeting of BJP’s Central Election Committee may be held on Saturday evening to brainstorm the next list of candidates in view of the Lok Sabha elections. The next list of candidates will be approved in the Central Election Committee meeting to be held in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and chaired by BJP President JP Nadda.
It is being told that in the meeting of the Central Election Committee, the names of about 150 candidates from many other states including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Rajasthan, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bengal, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh will be finalized. Can.
Let it be known that BJP has declared the names of 195 candidates in its first list, 72 in the second list, 9 in the third list and 15 in the fourth list. The party has so far declared the names of a total of 291 candidates. However, two of these candidates later expressed their inability to contest the elections.
Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday released another list of its candidates for the Lok Sabha elections 2024. Names of 16 candidates have been announced in the fourth list of BJP. In this, candidates from Tamil Nadu and Puducherry have been announced. Apart from this, 15 names have been announced for Tamil Nadu.