Mayor Sunil Uniyal Gama said, I have been working hard since the age of 18, I have declared every property, no benami property, see also the history of those who are making allegations
All the properties that I have shown in the election manifesto about my properties, along with the properties that have been left till date
मेयर सुनील उनियाल बोले, 18 साल की उम्र से कर रहा हूँ मेहनत, मैंने की है हर संपत्ति की घोषणा, कोई बेनामी संपत्ति नहीं , जो आरोप लगा रहें उनका इतिहास भी देखें #mayorsuniluniyalgama #suniluniyalgama #dehradun #dehradunmayor #mayordehradun #suniluniyal #suniluniyalgana #mayor pic.twitter.com/G3ieGcrNhm
— Shubham Yadav (@Shubham83610285) March 29, 2023
I started working from the age of 18, ran a paan kiosk, sold chowmein, did videography work, ran a video library, after that we took some properties till 2012, according to them, my contract was good, I was a B category contractor. But after becoming the Municipal Corporation, I left the contract in the body, according to them, after becoming the Mayor, I got all my licenses canceled as well.
According to him, after 2012, I bought some properties. I showed properties up to 2.5 crores in my election manifesto in 2017.
Out of them I sold many of my properties and property rates increased which benefited not only me but everyone
According to them, while I have sold some properties, I have also bought some.
According to him my wife works, my daughter lives in London and works there, my son is M Tech, he also does his work, so how can anyone tell me that I cannot buy land?
Same in the case of taking land on lease from Darbar Sahib, Mayor Gama replied clearly that in 2012 I applied to Mahant ji to give me a small piece of land to build a shop. Honorable Mahant ji rented me a plot. In such a situation, why is he being added after becoming mayor, while the property related to Mr. Gururam Rai is still being litigated and notices are being given to him continuously.
Mayor Sunil Uniyal Gama made it clear that I don’t even have a petrol pump
I have declared all my assets, according to them I do not have any benami assets, I have disclosed my assets in income tax, that’s why my property papers have come to you, according to them, I have not hidden anything.
According to them, I have also taken a loan of 1 crore 25 lakhs.
According to him, I will take action against those who have hatched this conspiracy against me. You know the history of those who are conspiring against me, what they do and what cases are going on against them.
I bought new properties by selling old properties what is wrong with this
The properties of the Municipal Corporation will not be sold to anyone, but have worked to protect the property of the Municipal Corporation – *Sunil Uniyal Gama, Mayor, Dehradun*