Pro rider 1000 : Police will work with zero tolerance against stunt biking and rash driving. Now in such cases the driver will not be counselled, but a case will be filed directly. After this, their YouTube and Facebook accounts will be blocked. Action will be taken against the drivers under various sections of IPC and Motor Vehicles Act.
SP Traffic Akshay Prahlad Konde told that the police had marked 12 bloggers earlier this year. He made videos while riding a bike at high speed on the roads. All of them were counselled. After this, action was also taken against all under sections of breach of peace.
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A case was also registered against some of them under sections of the Motor Vehicles Act. Despite this, many bloggers are still not taking the name of improvement. Apart from flouting the traffic rules, they are also putting the lives of others at risk. Strict action will be taken against them by filing a direct case against them.
Social media cell will keep an eye on bloggers
The traffic police has issued a new SOP. According to this SOP, the social media cell of the traffic police is being reactivated. This cell will keep a close watch on bloggers. Such YouTube channels and Facebook accounts will be marked, which have posted videos of rash driving, teasing girls, stunt biking, driving vehicles with modified silencers etc. After this, these channels will be closed and a case will be filed against those who operate them.
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Action will be taken in these streams
IPC 268 – Public nuisance
IPC 279 – Rash driving on public way
IPC 283- Causing danger to public way
IPC 287- Negligent conduct in relation to machinery
IPC 336- Doing such an act as to endanger the life of others
IPC 509- Word, gesture or act insulting the modesty of a woman