Out of the 245 students shown registered by the school, the data of 86 students was changed. These students were from privatecoaching institutes, who were neither taking classes in the school nor were the original students here. CBSE had immediately banned these students from appearing in the 12th boardexamination in 2023.
The Central Boardof Secondary Education (CBSE) has canceled the Class 12 recognition of Lucent International School, Manduwala, for making fraudulent admissions. Now this school will only teach children up to 10th standard. CBSE has ordered the schoolmanagement to shift the class11 students studying in this session to some other school.
Lucent International School
This fraud of Lucent International Schoolwas exposed by an order of CBSERegional Officer. Out of the 245 students shown registered by the school, the data of 86 students was changed. These students were from private coaching institutes, who were neither taking classes in the school nor were the original students here.
CBSE had immediatelybanned these students from appearing in the 12th board examination in 2023. Distressed studentsapproached the Commission for Protection of Child Rights, which was ordered to file a case against the school. As per the order, a case has also been registered in Prem Nagar police station.CBSE has canceled the recognition of 12th class on the basis of forgery of the school in the whole episode, playing with the future of the students. Now this school will be able to teach children up to class 10 only.
According to CBSE, the 86 students of class 12 who were barred from the exam will appear in the exam on the orders of the court. Their result will depend on the order of the court.
When CBSEinvestigated the fake admission case of the students of the coaching institute, it found that the children have no knowledge about the school. The children said that they are definitely students of that school but they have never seen the school.
CBSE had earlier de-recognisedBDM School Harbatpur also for malpractices. This school can also teach students only up to 10th standard.
School investigation going on in 2019 forgery as well
This is not the first forgery of Lucent International School. The investigation of another irregularity related to irregularities in admissions is going on at the level of the Education Department since the year 2019. The commission has taken it seriously.
In the last few years, many such coaching centers have opened in the capital Doon, which bring children from other states to Doon by showing them beautiful dreams. Along with their 11th, 12th studies, they take coaching contract at an expensive fee. Whichever school violates CBSE norms.
Whoever plays with the future of the students, strict action will be taken against him.
It is an appeal to the parents not to fall prey to such coaching institutes, where admission is given on the basis of greed.