Big news from Uttarakhand : On the instructions of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, Additional Chief Secretary Mrs. Radha Raturi held a meeting with representatives of various employee/teacher organizations of the state at the Secretariat on Friday regarding the transfer policy. During this, representatives of all organizations including officials of Personnel, Justice and Finance Department discussed the new transfer policy.
Additional Chief Secretary Mrs. Radha Raturi said that suggestions are being invited regarding the new transfer policy with the aim of providing better facilities to the people of the state along with keeping in mind the interests of the employees.
While giving instructions to the Personnel Department, the Additional Chief Secretary said that there are many such places in the state which were in the category of very inaccessible/unaccessible till 15-20 years ago and currently due to roads and other facilities, they have come in the accessible area. The areas should be reviewed.
During the meeting, important suggestions were received for the personnel of District Cadre, Divisional Cadre and State Cadre like providing counseling during posting, promotion and transfer in their home district once during their service period. The Additional Chief Secretary has also requested the officials of all employee organizations to give written suggestions to the government.
On this occasion, Additional Secretary Finance Dr. V. Shanmugam, Additional Secretary Personnel Dr. Lalit Mohan Ryal, Additional Secretary Education Yogendra Yadav, Additional Secretary Justice Rajni Shukla, Additional Secretary Health Amandeep Kaur and officials of various personnel organizations were present.