PM Modi government changed strategy after Pulwama attack, RAW killed 20 terrorists in Pakistan : The Guardian

RAW Killed 20 Terrorists In Pakistan : India is killing Pakistani terrorists by entering Pakistan itself. The British newspaper ‘The Guardian’ has claimed in its report that it also has documents related to this. As part of a major strategy of Delhi, the Indian Intelligence Agency is doing this work in a bold manner after 2019. In this, only those who are enemies are targeted.

The newspaper published from London claims that since 2020, more than 20 terrorists have been killed by unknown gunmen. India has been informally linked to these deaths in the past as well. For the first time, documents of this case have also been obtained and many intelligence officers have also discussed the Pakistan operation.

RAW was accused of killing terrorists Riyaz and Latif

After the murder of two terrorists sitting in Pakistan, Muhammad Riyaz and Shahid Latif, Islamabad had accused the Indian agency RAW of murder. New Delhi immediately rejected this and said that it is malicious anti-India propaganda.

UAE sleeper cell is carrying out murders

The Guardian claims that the UAE sleeper cell of the Indian intelligence agency is responsible for the deaths of anti-India terrorists in Pakistan. Its activities have increased from 2023. This sleeper cell has carried out these murders by paying local criminals. Along with this, India also recruited many Jihadis to carry out the firing.

Action started after Pulwama attack

Two Indian intelligence officials were quoted as saying that the spy agency’s operations began with the Pulwama attack in 2019. Pulwama attack was carried out by Jaish-e-Mohammed. After Pulwama, the approach to deal with such terrorists was changed. An official said that we could not stop the attacks because their safe havens were in Pakistan, so we had to reach the source.

India has denied the allegations

The Guardian also says that in response to its questions, India’s Foreign Ministry denied all allegations, reiterating an earlier statement that it was false and malicious anti-India propaganda. The ministry asked Foreign Minister S. Emphasizing previous denials by Jaishankar that selective killings in other countries were not in line with Indian government policy.

Payment of lakhs for information about Zahid Akhund

A RAW handler was allegedly paid for information on Zahid Akhund, the alias of convicted Kashmiri terrorist Zahoor Mistry. Akhund was involved in the hijacking of an Air India flight. Afghans were paid lakhs of rupees to carry out the shooting in Karachi in March 2022. He escaped but his handlers were arrested by Pakistani security agencies.

Terrorist Latif killed for Rs 15 lakh

Jaish-e-Mohammed commander Shahid Latif was killed on Pakistani soil. Pakistani investigators found that the man was allegedly paid 15 lakh Pakistani rupees by an undercover Indian agent to locate Latif. The youth shot Latif dead in a mosque in Sialkot, but was arrested soon after along with his associates.

Plan made to eliminate terrorists in UAE

The plan to kill terrorist organization Hizbul Mujahideen commander Bashir Ahmed Peer and India’s most wanted list Salim Rahmani was also allegedly hatched out of the UAE. Transaction receipts from Dubai show that lakhs of rupees were paid to the killers.

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