Surya Grahan 2023 Effect all zodiac signs auspicious and inauspicious: The first solar eclipse of the year has started. However, it will not be visible in India. That’s why Sutak period will not be valid. This year’s solar eclipse will be quite different, as it will be a hybrid. Hybrid solar eclipse means annular eclipse, a combination of partial and total solar eclipse.

The effect of this hybrid solar eclipse will be visible on the entire human race and the earth as well. It shows its effects in auspicious or inauspicious form. According to astrology, the effect of solar eclipse will be visible for the next 6 months. In this article of Patrika.com, astrologer Pt. Jagdish Sharma is telling you what will be the effect of this solar eclipse on your zodiac…

Surya Grahan 2023 Effect , solar eclipse time
According to Indian time, the solar eclipse has started from 7.4 am in the morning. It will end at 12.29 pm. The total duration of this solar eclipse will be for 5 hours 24 minutes.

Where is this solar eclipse visible?
The first solar eclipse of the year will not be visible in India. That is why even the time of Sutak period is not being considered here. However, some prohibited works or rules mentioned in the scriptures during the solar eclipse must be followed.
This solar eclipse will be visible from Cambodia, China, Samoa, Solomon, Baruni, Singapore, Thailand, Antarctica, America, Micronesia, Malaysia, Fiji, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Philippines, South Indian Ocean and South Will be visible in places like the Pacific Ocean.