LPG Price In India: At the end of the year, in five states and before the Lok Sabha elections to be held in April-May next year, the Modi government has worked to provide relief to a large section of the country by cutting the price of cylinders. According to Indian Oil, the domestic LPG cylinder cost as on September 1, 2014 was Rs 901 in Delhi, Rs 926.5 in Mumbai, Rs 945 in Kolkata and Rs 902.50 in Chennai.
Now after 9 years, again in September 2023, domestic LPG per cylinder is Rs 903 in the national capital Delhi, Rs 902.50 in Mumbai, Rs 929 in Kolkata and Rs 918.50 in Chennai. Comparing the figures of 2014 and 2023 clearly shows that there has not been much change in the price of cylinders in these 9 years. In such a situation, if the beneficiaries of Ujjwala Yojana are also added to this list, then it is known that they are getting this cylinder even more cheaply.
The price of LPG cylinder has not changed much in the last 9 years. In 2014, the price of domestic LPG cylinder in Delhi was Rs 901, which has become Rs 903 in 2023. This is an increase of only Rs 2. The situation is almost similar in other cities also.
The beneficiaries of the Ujjwala Yojana have got even more relief. Under this scheme, the government provides subsidized LPG cylinders to poor families. These families have to pay only Rs 600 per cylinder for LPG cylinder.
This relief is a commendable initiative of the Modi government. It shows the commitment of the government towards the welfare of the people.
However, some people feel that the price of LPG cylinder is still very high. They argue that LPG is an essential commodity and its price is beyond the reach of common people.
LPG Price In India , 35 crore people got relief
In this era of inflation, on the one hand, where the biggest section of the country was facing problems due to the increase in the price of domestic goods, at the same time, the central government has given a big relief to about 35 crore families by cutting the price of domestic LPG cylinders. Along with this, the Modi government at the Center has also announced to give 75 lakh new gas connections under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana. After 75 lakh new connections, the total number of beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana will be 10.35 crore.
Cheaper than before in these two big cities ( LPG Price In India )
Compared to 2014 in Delhi, cylinder prices have increased by just Rs 2 in 2023, while in Chennai there has been an increase of Rs 16 during this period. On the other hand, if we talk about two other metros of the country, then in Kolkata and Mumbai, now the price of 14.2 kg LPG cylinder has come down from the year 2014. On September 1, 2014, per LPG cylinder was being sold at Rs 945 in Kolkata, which is now being sold at Rs 929 in 2023, whereas if we talk about the financial capital Mumbai, then 9 years ago the price of a cylinder here was Rs 926.50 and Now this cylinder is being sold here for Rs 902.50.
There is a need to consider whether the price of LPG cylinder can be further reduced or not. By doing this, the poor and middle class people of the country will get relief.